
Rating: 1 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 51 vote, average: 3.00 out of 5 (3.00, 1 votes)
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Raise your creature and build towers to defend against a variety of enemies!

Total of 28 creatures, 10 towers and 6 different game mode now in NTCreature2! Each creature has unique attack and ability!

Remember that after you finish story levels with one race of creatures, you can use all creatures of this race in the challenge mode!
W,S,A,D for directions,
Holding left mouse button for attack,
E for eating, SPACE for casting ability.
You can set your own keys in Control Menu.

All creatures' stats:
Game Tags
Evolution, flash, games, NTCreature, NTFusion, tower defense, yeggo

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